Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ugandan Safari

On my last post I promised that safari pictures from Uganda were upcoming, and I've finally found some time to share them. This had to be one of the funnest parts of our trip in Uganda - sitting on the roof of our safari jeep, soaking in the sun (and dust), and keeping a lookout for lions, elephants, and all the rest. There's such a big difference between visiting a caged-in animal in the zoo, and searching for it in its natural habitat. The sunburns and dust-drenched (can dust drench you?) clothes were all worth it!

Forgive the blurriness. We weren't expecting to see a lion (big mistake), so cameras weren't ready - but would you know it, while we are sitting on the roof, driving back to the hotel after nightfall, there are two lions on the road in front of us! So here is at least the proof we saw them! :)

We almost missed this mother lion and her cubs, cause they blended so well in with the grass. Wanted so bad to go out and hold one of those adorable cubs!
Pretend this antelope is running from a lion.

Just one of the many grumpy chameleons existing in Uganda. This one knew how to dance pretty well!
... As well as climb unsuspecting humans.
"Uuh, I blend in, don't I?... I blend in, I blend in..."
I have to admit that this handsome dude was in the zoo, but he was too good looking I had to include him here!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Life in Uganda

A lot of things are different in Uganda. And sometimes you just need to take a seat, and think about life, the world, and the universe. Sometimes things so simple can be so difficult to fathom - like, for example, that there can be such diversity from one place to another and people existing in hugely different realities all on the SAME, round planet! 
In any case, I learned a few things from my first experience visiting Uganda, and some of them were the following: Ugandan people have beautiful smiles and hearts, avocados and mangos exist in abundance (to my heart's delight), and the traditional Ugandan dish of matooke is extremely (and I mean extremely!) filling, just to name a few.
Another thing I learned is that safaris are amazing, but more about that in another post! ;)